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Breaking the glass ceiling. Policies to promote the full participation of women in the scientific and cultural life of the City of Knowledge

Urban Center Trieste
Glass ceiling

(The event will be held in Italian)

On Thursday 5th May, a multi-voiced dialogue on enhancing the role of women in the scientific and academic institutions of the city on the occasion of the approval of the Gender Equity Plans

Gender Equality Plans (GEP) are strategic plans developed by scientific institutes and universities to analyze the present situation and define the tools necessary to promote better gender equality. Prerequisites required by the European Commission in order to access research funding, the GEPs have also recently been approved by SISSA, Area Science Park, INAF-OATS, OGS and the University of Trieste. But even the international institutes in the city, such as ICTP and TWAS, although not required to develop a GEP, pursue internally policies in favor of the employment and role of female researchers. One of the most important objectives is precisely to "break the glass ceiling", the invisible barrier by which, even in the face of a very high number of female students, only a few manage to reach top positions in academic and research organizations.

On Thursday 5th May, from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm at the Urban Center of Trieste (Corso Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 2/2) the event "Breaking the glass ceiling. Policies to promote the full participation of women in the scientific and cultural life of the City of Knowledge" proposes an informal dialogue between researchers and professors involved in various ways in city institutions, who, taking their cue from GEPs (or similar tools), discuss what to do so that men and women have truly equal opportunities.

Will take part in the event:
Alessia Bruni, Researcher, INFN
Domenica Bueti, CUG (Centro Unico di Garanzia) Coordinator, SISSA
Erika Coppola, Research in the Earth System Physics section, ICTP
Paola Del Negro, General Director, OGS
Raffaella De Lia, Head of Public Information Office, TWAS
Valentina D'Odorico, Researcher, INAF – OATS
Maria Dolores Ferrara, CUG (Centro Unico di Garanzia) Representative and Associate Professor in Labour Law, Università di Trieste
Caterina Petrillo, President, Area Science Park

Federica Sgorbissa, SISSA Medialab

The event is part of the events related to the exhibition "Le Donne nella Città della Conoscenza" hosted by the TCC space of the Trieste railway station. The exhibition is organized by SISSA, curated by SISSA Medialab, and is part of the Trieste Learning City framework, coordinated by the Municipality of Trieste and the University of LiberEtà with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. The exhibition is open on Fridays and Saturdays, from 4.00 to 7.00 pm, until May 14th. On May 5th it will be open from 3.00 pm to 7.30 pm.

The event and the exhibition are free of charge and no registration is required.

(Image courtesy of Arild Storaas)

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