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Osservatorio Astronomico - INAF


Osservatorio Astronomico - INAF

Via G.B. Tiepolo 11 e via Bazzoni 2

34100 - Trieste - Italy

Tel: +39-040-3199140 


Trieste’s Astronomical Observatory dates back to the School of Navigation set up by the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria in the mid-eighteenth century, when Trieste was the only outlet on the sea of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Nowadays the Astronomical Observatory is one of the locations of the National Astrophysics Institute, where research work on a wide range of subjects is carried out, ranging from the solar system to cosmology. 

Among its research activities technology plays a significant role, particularly with reference to dedicated satellites built for space missions. The Observatory collaborates with the most important European and international institutions in its field and contributes to astronomical education with a series of dedicated programmes funded by the European Union.