Auditorium of UWC Adriatic, Via Trieste 29, Duino (Ts)


Zbor Jacobus Gallus

After the first three successful events of the season, the next event hosted by ICMA at UWC Adriatic in Duino will will feature the "Zbor Jacobus Gallus" Choir from Trieste. The concert will be held on Sunday, April 15th at 8.30 pm in the Auditorium of UWC Adriatic in Duino.

The "Zbor Jacobus Gallus" Choir, founded in 1991, operates within the Glasbena Matica- the Slovenian musical centre in Friuli-Venezia Giulia - and sings a vast repertoire including music by Slovenian, Italian and international composers, including church music. The "Zbor Jacobus Gallus" Choir has performed during the concert seasons of the Glasbena Matica in Trieste and elsewhere in Italy, as well as in Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Spain and Germany. In addition, they have recorded several performances for the Italian public broadcasting network Rai, and have released 3 CDs: "Naša pesem z žlahtnimi odsevi" (2003), "Božično pričakovanje" (2004: a collection of unpublished Christmas carols of Slovenian composers from Trieste) and "O Polnoči" (2007), a collection of Christmas carols by the composer Ivan Šček. Lastly, the "Zbor Jacobus Gallus" Choir performs in the main Slovenian, Italian and European festivals and competitions (among the latest: Europa Cantat Torino 2012, the International Choir Festival Barcelona 2013, the Postojna Regional Competition, the Naša National Competition pesem in Maribor, the International Festival of Catalonia - Cantonigros 2014) and takes part in the main cultural events of the Slovenian community in Italy. The Choir gives great importance to exchange programmes and collaborations with sister choirs in different areas (the Jakob Petelin Choirin Klagenfurt, the female choir Ensamble La Rosein Vicenza, the Corale Barbisanoin Treviso, the mixed choir MusicAntiquain Syracuse and the Corale Matilde Salvadorin Sardinia). Moreover, it regularly collaborates with the choir of the USCI TS and others in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Since 2008 the Jacobus Gallus Choir has been directed by Maestro Marko Sancin.

The concert on Sunday, April 15th will be the fourth in the musical season "Note di Spezie. Tutti i sapori della musica " that is to say the ICMA's 2018 season offering a world music programme in order to enhance cultural diversity and music's role as a means to understand and familiarise with different cultural heritages. The season has been funded by the regional government of Friuli Venezia Giulia in partnership with the municipalities of Duino-Aurisina and Povoletto, Gruppo Folkloristico di Passons, Coro Jacobus Gallus di Trieste, UWC Maastricht, the College's volunteering association Mondo 2000, Associazione Culturale Musicale di Bertiolo “Filarmonica la prime lûs 1812”, the association New Virtuosi and the association “Scuola per Giovani Musicisti” European Spirit of Youth Orchestra.

Admission is free of charge

Crediti immagine: Zbor Jacobus Gallus