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ICGEB - International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology


ICGEB - International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

AREA Science Park

Padriciano 99

34149 Trieste ITALY


Tel: 040-3757324

Sito web:

The ICGEB, an autonomous, intergovernmental organisation operating within the United Nations System, is a Centre of excellence for research, training and technology transfer to industry in the field of biotechnology for sustainable global development.

It is unique among international organisations, pursuing these goals through advanced experimental research in its own laboratories in Trieste (Italy), where the Headquarters are also located, New Delhi (India) and Cape Town (South Africa), providing a scientific environment of top international standard for advanced research and education. It develops biotechnology products for over 60 Member States with the mission to contribute to global development.

Governance comprises a Board of representatives from Member States and a Scientific Council of 15 eminent scientists, including Nobel Laureates, who sustain its scientific activities.

The ICGEB’s instruments of action include:

  • Cutting-edge scientific research in its laboratories
  • Advanced education supported by long- and short-term fellowships for PhD students and postdocs
  • Competitive research grants for scientists in Member States, including Early Career Return Grants
  • Technology transfer to industry for the production of biotherapeutics and diagnostics
  • Organisation and sponsorship of international meetings, courses and workshops
  • Cooperation with governments to define policies for the regulation of genetically modified organisms, bioethics and collaboration with other International organisations

Engagement activities include an in-house podcasting facility that makes a range of high quality, audio-visual assets from international meetings and courses, seminars, lessons and public events openly accessible for download and sharing. Collections on the iTunes platform include over 500 films in 50 Health & Medicine and Science topics, also available on the ICGEB Web site and YouTube channel. ICGEB movies are previewed and downloaded an average 100,000 times a year in over 80 countries and receive millions of hits on the Web each month.

In its three locations, the ICGEB hosts more than 600 researchers; 200 of whom in Trieste.