CBM - Consorzio per il Centro di Biomedicina Molecolare
Strada Statale 14 - km 163,5
AREA Science Park, 34149
Basovizza, Trieste ITALY
Email: comunicazione@cbm.fvg.it
Website: https://www.cbm.fvg.it
Tel: +39 040 375 7705
CBM, acknowledged by Regional Law 26/2005 and identified as Innovation District in Regional Law 3 of 02/20/2015, has the role of developing the potential of the Smart Health Cluster in the Italian Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in the biomedicine, biotechnology and bioinformatics sectors.
In this context, CBM has the task of creating close links between the industrial and research systems, as well as regional and national institutions in order to develop synergies covering the regional health sector. CBM is in charge of the “Smart Health” area in the framework of FVG region’s Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) and plays a leading role in building relationships between all the actors in this field - entrepreneurs, researchers, clinicians, policy makers and people involved in finance and education - with the goal of promoting business innovation and social and economic growth at a regional level.
In line with S3, CBM contributes to developing a Regional innovation ecosystem in the following technological development trajectories:
- Biomedical technologies, in vivo and in vitro diagnostics;
- Medical informatics and bioinformatics;
- Innovative therapy;
- Technologies for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL).
As a member of the National Technological Cluster ALISEI - Advanced Life Sciences in Italy - CBM is the regional reference point and technological coordinator of Life Sciences at both national and European level.