Auditorium del Collegio del Mondo Unito dell’Adriatico, Via Trieste 29, Duino (Ts)

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Following the first two successful concerts in the season, the next musical event at UWC Adriatic will be the performance of the "Stick & Bow" duo consisting of a cello (Juan Sebastian Delgado) and a marimba (Marie Krystina Marcoux). Thanks to the precious support of our partners, the duo will have the opportunity to perform on two occasions: March 25 at 11 am at the Auditorium of UWC Adriatic and March 26 at 8.45 at the Auditorium of the City of Pasian di Prato (under the patronage of the Municipality of Pasian di Prato). Free entrance.

Krystina Marcoux is a Canadian percussionist and winner of the first prize at the Montreal Symphony Orchestra Competition in 2012. The Argentinian cellist Juan Sebastian Delgado is the winner of the first prize at the Latin-American competition for cellos in 2008. The two met  in Montreal when they recorded of the soundtrack of the movie Suspense by the American composer Luna Pearl Woolf. These two young musicians have thus joined forces to explore works that are both audacious and accessible. In their creative process, they combine musical narration with a mise en scène or with electronics thanks to the innovative and creative combination of the cello with marimba. This particular combination transforms well-known works, turning them into something quite new and unexpected. Stick & Bow mix new and original creations with transcriptions of some of the most famous works of Western art history, such as Schubert's Erlkönig, J.S. Bach, jazz music inspired by Grapelli's gypsies and Piazzolla's revolutionary tangos. Juan Sebastian and Krystina are also active in musical education initiatives, bringing musical workshops and projects to extremely poor areas in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Armenia and France. In 2017, Juan Sebastian successfully completed his cello research doctorate at "McGill University" focusing on contemporary music and instrumental tango. Krystina Marcoux, on the other hand, is completing her PhD on the influence of theater in musical performance at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse in Lyon, France.

Note di Spezie. Tutti i Sapori della Musica” is the ICMA's 2018 season funded by the regional government of Friuli Venezia Giulia in partnership with the municipalities of Duino-Aurisina and Povoletto, Gruppo Folkloristico di Passons, Coro Jacobus Gallus di Trieste, UWC Maastricht, the College's volunteering association Mondo 2000, Associazione Culturale Musicale di Bertiolo “Filarmonica la prime lûs 1812”, the association New Virtuosi and the association “Scuola per Giovani Musicisti” European Spirit of Youth Orchestra. The season offers a world music programme in order to enhance cultural diversity and music's role as a means to understand and familiarise with different cultural heritages.

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Image credits: zippit (CC)